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- Bewerbung einreichen | Autono
FREIGHT INQUIRY Transporter max. Nutzlast 1300 kg 5 Europaletten Stellplätze Ladefläche Länge: 4,10 m Breite: 1,65 m Höhe: 1,75 m Planensprinter max. Nutzlast 1100 kg 8 Europaletten Stellplätze Ladefläche Länge: 4,20 m Breite: 2,10 m Höhe: 2,20 m 7,5 to LKW mit Hebebühne max. Nutzlast 2.500kg 14 Europaletten Stellplätze Ladefläche Länge: 6,00 m Breite: 2,40 m Höhe: 2,40 m 12 to LKW mit Hebebühne max. Nutzlast 5.500 kg 18 Europaletten Stellplätze Ladefläche Länge: 7,20 m Breite: 2,40 m Höhe: 2,45 m 40 to Standard oder Mega max. Nutzlast 24.000kg 34 Europaletten Stellplätze Ladefläche Länge: 13,6 m Breite: 2,40 m Höhe: 2,70 - 3,00 m Frachtanfrage senden Firma Name E-Mail-Adresse Telefon Welches Fahrzeug benötigen Sie? Transporter <1.300 kg Planensprinter <1.100 kg 7,5 to < 2.500 kg 12 to < 5.000 kg 40 to < 24.000 kg Ihre Anfrage Ich habe die Datenschutzerklärung zur Kenntnis genommen. Absenden Vielen Dank für Ihre Anfrage. > Loading location (zip code + city) > Unloading location (zip code + city) > loading date > unloading date To ensure that your request is processed competently, please enter your request with the following criteria:
- DERING - Sonderfahrten | FTL | LTL
Application as a freight forwarder QUALITY, ON THE MOVE Schreiben Sie uns! Rufen Sie uns an: +49 5205 607 007 - 0 With our 20 years of experience, we stand for individual solutions – be it for special trips, partial and full loads or trade fair transports. Nationally and internationally. Request transport Our services Direct and special trips We offer fast and direct transport without time-consuming reloading to get your goods to their destination safely and quickly. Thanks to our flexibility, we can optimally handle shipments of any size and type. Our experienced team is available around the clock to meet your requirements reliably and professionally. Request transport FTL - full loads In the area of full truck load (FTL) logistics, we offer you tailor-made solutions for partial and full loads. Our comprehensive planning and coordination ensures that your transports run smoothly, so that you can concentrate on your core tasks. With us, you have a partner who combines flexibility, precision and punctuality. Request transport LTL - partial loads In the area of Less Than Truck Load (LTL) logistics, we offer you flexible solutions for partial shipments. We organize the optimal transport for your shipments, tailored to your requirements, the desired route and the right time. In this way, we ensure that your goods reach their destination efficiently, reliably and cost-effectively. Request transport Special logistics solutions We offer you tailor-made logistics solutions for special requirements. Whether sensitive goods, unusual dimensions or complex delivery conditions - we develop individual concepts that are precisely tailored to your needs. With our expertise and flexible service, we ensure that your freight reaches its destination safely and on time. Request transport OUR STRENGTH Direct and special transports Time-critical? Tailor-made transports are our specialty. Whether it's a single box or a complete semi-trailer truck - we ensure that your freight reaches its destination quickly, safely and reliably. Thanks to our strong network, we can offer you flexible solutions that are perfectly tailored to your requirements. Every minute counts? No problem. We rely on direct routes, precise planning and the latest technology to deliver your shipment without detours. Your benefits at a glance: Fast and direct transport without reloading Flexibility for any size and type of shipment An experienced team that is there for you around the clock When it matters, we are ready. Your cargo, our responsibility. Request transport FTL + LTL Regardless of whether it is partial shipments or full loads, we will organize the right vehicle for your transport. We will do everything we can to meet your requirements: in the desired direction, at the desired time and with maximum reliability. With our service, we ensure that your shipments reach their destination safely and on time. Request transport About Us Since 2007, we have been supporting our customers as a reliable partner in the areas of transport, logistics and storage. What once began with a small team and a clear vision has developed over the years into a modern company that always strives for top performance. Our path has been characterized by constant development, innovation and the desire to adapt our services ever better to the needs of our customers. We have continuously improved and expanded our offering, particularly in the area of transport. Every challenge has made us stronger, and with growing experience we have not only been able to respond flexibly to market requirements, but also proactively set new standards. Today we are proud to offer a broad portfolio of services, ranging from classic transport solutions to highly specialised tasks. Our particular strength lies in direct and special trips. Our customers benefit from our Europe-wide network, which enables us to implement even the most demanding orders efficiently, quickly and reliably. Regardless of whether it is a matter of time-critical deliveries, special requirements or complex routes - we find the best possible solutions and guarantee the highest quality in execution. Our success is based on a clear promise: We don't just see the freight, but the visions and goals behind it. That's why we work every day with passion and commitment to not only meet your expectations, but to exceed them. Put your trust in an experienced team that is flexible, dynamic and customer-focused - and let's shape the future of transport together.
- Über uns | Dering Transporte
With 20 years of experience Your partner for transport and logistics – reliable, innovative, Europe-wide. Since 2007, we have been doing everything we can to provide our customers with the best possible support in the areas of transport, logistics and storage. Over the years, we have consistently developed and continuously expanded our range of services in order to offer you ever better and more customised solutions. Today, our focus is on direct and special deliveries - a service that requires precision, flexibility and speed. Thanks to our Europe-wide network, we are able to offer customised transport solutions that are precisely tailored to your requirements. Whether urgent deliveries or complex special projects - we are ready to inspire you with first-class service. Choose us and benefit from our expertise, our experience and our commitment to getting your goods to their destination safely and on time. Our Mission For us, every challenge means one thing above all: the opportunity to offer you real added value. Our aim is not only to meet your requirements, but to exceed them with customised solutions. We are highly motivated to tackle every task - whether complex or urgent - in order to get the best out of it for you. We always think one step ahead: we see every challenge as an opportunity to find innovative approaches, optimise processes and tailor our services to meet your individual needs. We want to ensure that you can rely on us - today, tomorrow and in every situation. Through our commitment and our solution-orientated approach, we create real added value for you. Because for us, one thing always takes centre stage: your success. Our vision Our infrastructure and our powerful network extend from Europe deep into East Asia - a geographical radius that enables us to organize your transports flexibly and efficiently. We make full use of our strengths, especially for urgent deliveries: with well-thought-out routes, fast response times and reliable planning, we ensure that your freight reaches its destination safely and on time. Whether it's time-critical shipments, complex special transports or the rapid transport of goods to remote regions - our network is designed to meet every challenge. Thanks to the latest technologies, collaborative partnerships and a clear focus on your needs, we create connections that not only overcome distances but also save time. When speed and precision are important, we are your reliable partner – throughout Europe and beyond.
- Datenschutzerklärung | Dering Transporte
Privacy policy Allgemeiner Hinweis und Pflichtinformationen Benennung der verantwortlichen Stelle Die verantwortliche Stelle für die Datenverarbeitung auf dieser Website ist: Dering Transporte Inh. Waldemar Dering Gildemeisterstraße 90 33689 Bielefeld Die verantwortliche Stelle entscheidet allein oder gemeinsam mit anderen über die Zwecke und Mittel der Verarbeitung von personenbezogenen Daten (z.B. Namen, Kontaktdaten o. Ä.). Widerruf Ihrer Einwilligung zur Datenverarbeitung Nur mit Ihrer ausdrücklichen Einwilligung sind einige Vorgänge der Datenverarbeitung möglich. Ein Widerruf Ihrer bereits erteilten Einwilligung ist jederzeit möglich. Für den Widerruf genügt eine formlose Mitteilung per E-Mail. Die Rechtmäßigkeit der bis zum Widerruf erfolgten Datenverarbeitung bleibt vom Widerruf unberührt. 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- News | Dering Transporte
What is important for freight forwarders changes from January Reduction of CO2 emissions to achieve the climate goals From 2025, the CO2 tax in Germany will be increased further. This is part of the federal government's strategy to reduce CO2 emissions and achieve climate targets. Specifically, the tax will rise from the current 45 euros to 55 euros per ton. This will also have an impact on fuel prices: the ADAC is predicting a price increase of 16 cents per liter of diesel. This will also increase operating costs for hauliers. Stricter requirements for CO2 fleet targets From January 1, 2025, stricter CO2 fleet targets will apply to newly registered trucks and semi-trailers with a total weight of 16 tonnes or more. CO2 emissions must be 15 percent lower than in the reference years 2019 and 2020. In 2027, the EU Commission will review the implementation and effectiveness of these requirements. Changes for mini-jobbers There will also be changes for mini-jobbers from 2025. While mini-jobbers could earn up to 538 euros per month and up to 6,456 euros per year in 2024, the monthly earnings limit will rise to 556 euros from January 1, 2025. The maximum annual earnings will thus increase to 6,672 euros. Introduction of e-invoicing From January 1, 2025, electronic invoicing (e-invoicing) will be mandatory for business-to-business transactions (B2B) in Germany. This regulation is based on the Growth Opportunities Act, which was passed in March 2024. From this point on, a distinction will only be made between e-invoicing and other forms of invoicing. Updated dangerous goods regulations (ADR) Revised dangerous goods regulations for transport by road (ADR), rail (RID) and inland waterway (ADN) will come into force on January 1, 2025. There will be a six-month transition period until June 30, 2025. The most significant changes include new UN numbers for marking dangerous goods and more detailed regulations for the transport of lithium and sodium batteries. These batteries are considered particularly risky due to their fire hazard. The new regulations set out clear requirements for packaging, labeling and documentation. The amendment text of ADR 2025 is 103 pages long. Freight forwarders should check early on whether they are affected by the changes and adapt their transport processes. Some changes can also bring relief, not just tightening.
- Bewerbung einreichen | Autono
FREIGHT INQUIRY Tragen Sie sich jetzt als Frachtführer in unser Formular ein und profitieren Sie von regelmäßigen, auf Sie zugeschnittenen Transportangeboten! Receive Freight Inquiries Company Name Email Telephone I want to receive freight inquiries for the following vehicles: 3,5 to van Planensprinter 420x210x220 cm 7,5 to tarpaulin/box 12 to tarpaulin/box 40 to tarpaulin/box/Mega 40 to refrigerator Other information: Thank you for your registration Submit tarpaulin sprinter max. payload 1100 kg, up to 8 Euro pallet spaces loading area: Length 4.20m x width 2.10m x interior height 2.20m 7.5 ton tarpaulin truck with lifting platform max. payload 2,500kg, 14 Euro pallet spaces loading area: Length 6.00m x Width 2.40m x Internal Height 2.40m 12 ton tarpaulin truck with lifting platform max. payload 5,500kg, 18 Euro pallet spaces loading area: Length 7.20m x width 2.40m x interior height 2.45m 40 ton standard tarpaulin semi-trailer max. payload 24,000kg, 34 Euro pallet spaces loading area: Length 13.6m x width 2.40m x interior height 2.70m 40-ton mega tarpaulin semi-trailer also bookable with Edscha roof for crane loading max. payload 24,000kg, 34 Euro pallet spaces loading area: Length 13.6m x width 2.40m x interior height 3.00m
- DERING - Sonderfahrten | FTL | LTL
Quality, on the move Direct and special trips with Dering Transporte OUR STRENGTH direct and special trips Time-critical? Tailor-made transports are our specialty. Whether it's a single box or a complete semi-trailer truck - we ensure that your freight reaches its destination quickly, safely and reliably. Thanks to our strong network, we can offer you flexible solutions that are perfectly tailored to your requirements. Every minute counts? No problem. We rely on direct routes, precise planning and the latest technology to deliver your shipment without detours. Your benefits at a glance: Fast and direct transport without reloading Flexibility for any size and type of shipment An experienced team that is there for you around the clock When it matters, we are ready. Your cargo, our responsibility. Request transport FTL & LTL - your tailor-made transport solution With over 20 years of experience in the logistics industry, we are your reliable partner when it comes to individual transport solutions. Whether special trips, partial and full loads (LTL/FTL) or specialized trade fair transports - we ensure that your freight reaches its destination on time, safely and efficiently, both nationally and internationally. Are you fed up of making phone calls about your transport orders because no one in your forwarding company really knows what's going on? Changing contacts and a lack of transparency are a thing of the past with us. We rely on personal support and fixed contacts who know your needs and those of your shipments exactly. Our employees attach great importance to ensuring that you, the customer, are not just satisfied, but delighted. From choosing the right vehicle to coordinating individual time slots – we plan every transport according to your requirements. Our flexibility, our large network and our service standards make us your ideal logistics partner. Transparent communication, reliability and consistent support are standard for us. Experience the difference of a freight forwarder that focuses on your needs. With us, you have not just a service provider, but a partner at your side who cares about your freight just as much as you do. Request transport About Us We have been supporting our customers in the areas of transport, logistics and storage since 2007. We have constantly developed, particularly in the area of transport, and have been able to offer more and better services over time. We are now at the point where we see our strengths particularly in direct and special trips, where we are able to offer the best possible solutions and options thanks to our Europe-wide network.
- Leistungen | Dering Transporte
Services What we really can do direct and special trips An important envelope or a complete semi-trailer truck - if you need something quickly, we offer a wide network of options to fulfill all your wishes. FTL - LTL Planned full loads or partial loads at the desired time and place. You tell us where and when - we do the rest. General cargo Through our Europe-wide logistics network, we offer general cargo transport in Germany and many other countries.
- Portfolio | Dering Transporte
Mein Portfolio Willkommen in meinem Portfolio. Hier findest du eine Auswahl meiner Arbeiten. Sieh dir meine Projekte an und erfahre mehr über meine Tätigkeit.